I had my religious studies exam today... it went really bad :( But I went and saw my teacher after + he said even if I didn't get the grade I need he'll still take me for higher ;D yaay!
-I used to be a cheerleader
- I used to be an awesome swimmer, but had to stop training cause chlorine gives me itchy rash.
- I haven’t grown since I was like 12. bad times.
- When i’m sad I go on walks in the rain on my own. Or shower if its not raining. LOL.
- I have like two guitars, but no idea how to play them.
- I live with the grandparents.
- My dog is called snoopy. He is fat.
- I dropped my phone down the toilet once, whist drunk. I had already peed. I thought it’d be a good idea to put a plastic bag over my hand to fish it out.
- My first kiss was mouth rape. From a girl. She raped my mouth, when i was 7/8 and she was 2 years older. I wasn’t too happy, but she threatened me not to tell anyone HA.
- I used to chew on crayons. Omnomnom.
- I’m in love. N’yawww how sweet.
- My darkest tan is everyone else’s pale.
- I don’t actually have a best friend. Just a few really close ones.
- Mash potatoes are my thing.
-I’m scared of needles. Like seriously.
- I get pissed off way too easy.
- I’m a bitch to those I love :(
- I really wanna go back to Australia.
- I jump to conclusions waay too quick.
- My wardrobe is a mess.
Now, these pictures are from like all around the internet + I put them in my folder ... I have a feeling most are from
http://ibreathewater.tumblr.com/ - i'd seriously check it out, I love her tumblr.

Some of these blogs are just new, and some are not as new but totally don't get the recognition they deserve.
NADIYE is not my name LAUREN loves shopsSTEVIE likes sequinsLESLIE; lemon sweet by Leslie Hall CHERI; Moncheri2311KAYLEIGHd-oscopeNadiye is a beautiful girl from the Netherlands who takes some beautiful pictures, Lauren is gorgeous, has kickass fashion and does awesome beauty reviews! Stevie is also gorgeous has wicked style and also does a few beauty related reviews. Leslie has a wonderful selection of jewerlerry on Etsy you should really check out! + Cheri is an irish student, just starting out in the world of fashion blogging.
I'd seriously check them out! I've forgotten a few people I feel so i'll probably edit with their blogs.
Yeah, about that, i'm actually thinking it'll be up on Saturday... yup, seems likely.