Friday, 27 August 2010
The most inspiring man ever.
This man is the most inspiring man ever, he makes me cry so much.
I actually think i'm gonna do a sponsored bungee jump, and send the money to
*Warning: don't watch if you're already feeling over sensitive...
Monday, 23 August 2010
Excuses smushes!
Hey my lovelies, I know I basically JUST did something like this but being at school I don't really wear clothes. Well I do, but it's a uniform.. trousers, shirt tie and cardie/jumper.
I went out to my friend's 18th on Friday, didn't really get any proper outfit pictures, but this is what I wore;

A light pink/almost nude Topshop boobtube dress (which is incredibly see through, so I wore this Ladder knit top from New Look. Primark lace tights and although you can't see, my shoes are purple/grey/black and from Debenhams.
I know I basically just did one of these but hey I thought it'd be fun... and saves me from doing an incredibly boring essay on 3 designers. Honestly, i'm not even sure what i'm meant to be doing!
- In case anyone want's to copy this thing, i'll put it in small type so it's easier to copy -
Part 01 - The celebrity you’d do unthinkable, illegal things to.
Part 02 - A photo of you in a drunken state.
Part 03 - A photo of someone you love.
Part 04 - The best concert/gig you have been to.
Part 05 - A photo of yourself, not taken by you.
Part 06 - A band/artist not many people know of, but you think should.
Part 07 - A photo of someone you fancy at the moment.
Part 08 - Quote one of the nicest messages you have ever recieved on ask.
Part 09 - A song that has lyrics you’d consider getting tattooed.
Part 10 - A photo from the last social event you went to.
Part 11 - Links to all the websites and online profiles you have.
Part 12 - Someone/something you dont like.
Part 13 - What you want more than anything right now.
Part 14 - A letter to someone. Anyone.
Part 15 - Something you regret.
Part 16 - A list of songs that make you emotional.
Part 17 - Favourite youtube channel that you’re subscribed to.
Part 18 - The first big purchase you’d make if you won the lottery.
Part 19 - A picture of your handwriting.
Part 20 - Favourite smell.
Part 21 - Another celebrity you’d like in your bed.
Part 22 - Song lyrics you can really relate to at the moment.
Part 23 - The next plan you have coming up that you’re really excited for.
Part 24 - The last photo taken of you and someone else.
Part 25 - List the people you have slept with by their initials.
Part 26 - A celebrity you don’t like, and why.
Part 27 - The song(s) you want played at your funeral.
Part 28 - A photo of anything.
Part 29 - A live performance youtube video.
Part 30 - What your last dream you can remember, was about
Part 01 - The celebrity you’d do unthinkable, illegal things to.
Jude Law ♥
Part 02 - A photo of you in a drunken state.
HR + KM's 16th
Part 03 - A photo of someone you love.
My little cousins Rue and Fin.
Part 04 - The best concert/gig you have been to.
A bunch of shitty little bands, a whole bunch of friends.. was definitely the best. Can't remember any band names though.
Part 05 - A photo of yourself, not taken by you.

Part 06 - A band/artist not many people know of, but you think should.
Not many of my friends know them... but Crossfade.
Part 07 - A photo of someone you fancy at the moment.
My dearrr beloved exboyfriend Josh, but I don't think i'll put his picture here :P
Part 08 - Quote one of the nicest messages you have ever recieved on ask.
Err don't know what that is.
Part 09 - A song that has lyrics you’d consider getting tattooed.
Losing My Religion - REM
Part 10 - A photo from the last social event you went to.
Erm I didn't have a camera. But here's me and my friend walking to the 18th...

Part 11 - Links to all the websites and online profiles you have.

It's all I had! Bored in 3rd year RMPS :)
Part 20 - Favourite smell.
- My perfume. Alien - Thierry Mugle or however you spell it!
Part 21 - Another celebrity you’d like in your bed.
Luke Pasqualino; yumyumyum
Part 22 - Song lyrics you can really relate to at the moment.
Colours - Crossfade
Part 23 - The next plan you have coming up that you’re really excited for.
Oh wow this is laame! But this business management thing where you start your own business sort of thing and get your own stall in a shopping centre. If I get picked... :D
Part 24 - The last photo taken of you and someone else.
Already used them.. from Friday.
Part 25 - List the people you have slept with by their initials.
Part 26 - A celebrity you don’t like, and why.
Russel Brand... just euugh!
Part 27 - The song(s) you want played at your funeral.
It's tricky - Run DMC
Part 28 - A photo of anything.
Part 29 - A live performance youtube video.
Can't get on right now.
Part 30 - What your last dream you can remember, was about
LOL! This girl I met at a library made me go home with her, and then loads of people came for a big orgy and I escaped through the window, but she followed me. Then I woke up.
I went out to my friend's 18th on Friday, didn't really get any proper outfit pictures, but this is what I wore;

A light pink/almost nude Topshop boobtube dress (which is incredibly see through, so I wore this Ladder knit top from New Look. Primark lace tights and although you can't see, my shoes are purple/grey/black and from Debenhams.

- In case anyone want's to copy this thing, i'll put it in small type so it's easier to copy -
Part 01 - The celebrity you’d do unthinkable, illegal things to.
Part 02 - A photo of you in a drunken state.
Part 03 - A photo of someone you love.
Part 04 - The best concert/gig you have been to.
Part 05 - A photo of yourself, not taken by you.
Part 06 - A band/artist not many people know of, but you think should.
Part 07 - A photo of someone you fancy at the moment.
Part 08 - Quote one of the nicest messages you have ever recieved on ask.
Part 09 - A song that has lyrics you’d consider getting tattooed.
Part 10 - A photo from the last social event you went to.
Part 11 - Links to all the websites and online profiles you have.
Part 12 - Someone/something you dont like.
Part 13 - What you want more than anything right now.
Part 14 - A letter to someone. Anyone.
Part 15 - Something you regret.
Part 16 - A list of songs that make you emotional.
Part 17 - Favourite youtube channel that you’re subscribed to.
Part 18 - The first big purchase you’d make if you won the lottery.
Part 19 - A picture of your handwriting.
Part 20 - Favourite smell.
Part 21 - Another celebrity you’d like in your bed.
Part 22 - Song lyrics you can really relate to at the moment.
Part 23 - The next plan you have coming up that you’re really excited for.
Part 24 - The last photo taken of you and someone else.
Part 25 - List the people you have slept with by their initials.
Part 26 - A celebrity you don’t like, and why.
Part 27 - The song(s) you want played at your funeral.
Part 28 - A photo of anything.
Part 29 - A live performance youtube video.
Part 30 - What your last dream you can remember, was about
Part 01 - The celebrity you’d do unthinkable, illegal things to.

Part 02 - A photo of you in a drunken state.

Part 03 - A photo of someone you love.
Part 04 - The best concert/gig you have been to.
A bunch of shitty little bands, a whole bunch of friends.. was definitely the best. Can't remember any band names though.
Part 05 - A photo of yourself, not taken by you.

Part 06 - A band/artist not many people know of, but you think should.
Not many of my friends know them... but Crossfade.
Part 07 - A photo of someone you fancy at the moment.
My dearrr beloved exboyfriend Josh, but I don't think i'll put his picture here :P
Part 08 - Quote one of the nicest messages you have ever recieved on ask.
Err don't know what that is.
Part 09 - A song that has lyrics you’d consider getting tattooed.
Losing My Religion - REM
Part 10 - A photo from the last social event you went to.
Erm I didn't have a camera. But here's me and my friend walking to the 18th...

Part 11 - Links to all the websites and online profiles you have.

It's all I had! Bored in 3rd year RMPS :)
Part 20 - Favourite smell.
- My perfume. Alien - Thierry Mugle or however you spell it!
Part 21 - Another celebrity you’d like in your bed.

Part 22 - Song lyrics you can really relate to at the moment.
Colours - Crossfade
Part 23 - The next plan you have coming up that you’re really excited for.
Oh wow this is laame! But this business management thing where you start your own business sort of thing and get your own stall in a shopping centre. If I get picked... :D
Part 24 - The last photo taken of you and someone else.
Already used them.. from Friday.
Part 25 - List the people you have slept with by their initials.
Part 26 - A celebrity you don’t like, and why.
Russel Brand... just euugh!
Part 27 - The song(s) you want played at your funeral.
It's tricky - Run DMC
Part 28 - A photo of anything.

Part 29 - A live performance youtube video.
Can't get on right now.
Part 30 - What your last dream you can remember, was about
LOL! This girl I met at a library made me go home with her, and then loads of people came for a big orgy and I escaped through the window, but she followed me. Then I woke up.
Thursday, 19 August 2010
Taggawaggalaggaa! dramadramadrama
Seriously, what is with drama?! I went back to school tuesday - sorry for not posting for like aages but I've been trying to figure out stuff - and a shitload of drama has already gone down. Of course I just stand/sit and eat whilst they slag whoever off. Anyhoo...
I seriously miss blogging. I wear uniform to school so may have to end up doing the odd school uniform post. but partaaaay night tomorrow, so hopefully have a nice outfit post!
I got this tag thingy from JADE
The Rules are :
1. Post who gave you this award.
2. State 10 things that you love.
3. Give this award to 10 other bloggers and notify them with a comment.
10 Things I Love.
1. Sleeping. I could sleep for Scotland.
2. Charmed! I've been watching the whole boxset over this past month. It's amazing.

3. Getting ready with the girls before going out...

WHAT CREEPY MEN BTW! + such a bad picture but hey :P
4. COLD rice and pasta. and pizza. I really don't like hot pizza, prefer it so much more cold. Amaaaaze.
5. Malibu and coke.
Whats not to love?
6. Lace tights.
They're my saviour. Honestly. I'm pale and don't suit fake tan at all so when i'm going out with the buds, I look even paler - and i have corn beef legs so the tights help.
I LOVE MY LACE TIGHTS. aka my sexy tights apparently.
7. Giving people compliments. I love it when people smile when I say "Hey there gorgeous!" in the morning.
8. The feeling of accomplishing something. Especially really long essays.
9. Cups of tea. Or hot chocolate when it's raining.. nice and cosy on the couch watching charmed...yup!

10. My boobs.
I tag every single one of you beauties, i'm off to bed, nightnight gorgeous!
I seriously miss blogging. I wear uniform to school so may have to end up doing the odd school uniform post. but partaaaay night tomorrow, so hopefully have a nice outfit post!
I got this tag thingy from JADE
The Rules are :
1. Post who gave you this award.
2. State 10 things that you love.
3. Give this award to 10 other bloggers and notify them with a comment.
10 Things I Love.
1. Sleeping. I could sleep for Scotland.
2. Charmed! I've been watching the whole boxset over this past month. It's amazing.

3. Getting ready with the girls before going out...
WHAT CREEPY MEN BTW! + such a bad picture but hey :P
4. COLD rice and pasta. and pizza. I really don't like hot pizza, prefer it so much more cold. Amaaaaze.
5. Malibu and coke.

6. Lace tights.
They're my saviour. Honestly. I'm pale and don't suit fake tan at all so when i'm going out with the buds, I look even paler - and i have corn beef legs so the tights help.
I LOVE MY LACE TIGHTS. aka my sexy tights apparently.
7. Giving people compliments. I love it when people smile when I say "Hey there gorgeous!" in the morning.
8. The feeling of accomplishing something. Especially really long essays.
9. Cups of tea. Or hot chocolate when it's raining.. nice and cosy on the couch watching charmed...yup!

10. My boobs.
I tag every single one of you beauties, i'm off to bed, nightnight gorgeous!
Monday, 9 August 2010
The bridge is broken...
Hey! I went to Glasgow today for a shopping trip, and bought loooadss of new stuff! But haven't taken pictures of them yet.
This is what I wore:

Topshop lacey/floral body, topshop mustard coloured cardie and a skirt from Zara. I also wore my workerboots but by the time I got home I kicked my boots off cause my feet hurt haha so they didn't make it to picture time.
I'm losing my favourite game...
P.S. You should totally check out 'The Do' they're amazing!
P.P.S. I'm sorry for the really shitty mirror pictures, but my proper camera broke so i'm saving for a new one.
Thursday, 5 August 2010
It's the stars that lie to you ...
It's 2.20am, and I'm feeling sad.
But that's okay, because I passed all of my exams! :)
I was actually pretty disapointed. I did better than I thought in some places, but others... wow, I totally could have done better if I had bothered to revise more. I'm pretty disapointed in myself!
As no one really understands the scottish grading system, i'll put it in to english grades...:
English: A
Math: C :(
Biology: B
Geography: B
Chemistry: B
Religion: A
Health + Food tech: B
German: B
My 5yr old cousin just handed me a card and chocolates for doing my exams, I almost cried a lil! Feeling a little bit sensitive today!
Anyway, soon i'll find out when I have to go to school to change all my classes, so I basically need to decide what I wanna do for a career. So i'm gonna google lots of jobs in fashion, and medicine.
P.S. thanks for all your comments on my last post. Outfit post tomorrow :)
As no one really understands the scottish grading system, i'll put it in to english grades...:
English: A
Math: C :(
Biology: B
Geography: B
Chemistry: B
Religion: A
Health + Food tech: B
German: B
My 5yr old cousin just handed me a card and chocolates for doing my exams, I almost cried a lil! Feeling a little bit sensitive today!
Anyway, soon i'll find out when I have to go to school to change all my classes, so I basically need to decide what I wanna do for a career. So i'm gonna google lots of jobs in fashion, and medicine.
P.S. thanks for all your comments on my last post. Outfit post tomorrow :)
Tuesday, 3 August 2010
I think I need a break.
From everything. Ideally i'd like to get out of the country, go somewhere nice for a week or two.
My boyfriend of basically two years broke up with me for good last night, and i'm taking it pretty bad.
I'm still deciding if I should take a break from blogging too.
My boyfriend of basically two years broke up with me for good last night, and i'm taking it pretty bad.
I'm still deciding if I should take a break from blogging too.
Monday, 2 August 2010
Exam results!
Hey m'lovers!
I'm feeling this is gonna be a pretty boring post. I had another one planned, but I wanted to do this. So I am.
I get my exam results on Thursday. I'm extremely scared, I think I might have to flee the country with my bad results! :( But I realised.. I took 0 subjects to do with fashion. Not that there was anything but art but still. I also didn't want a career in fashion until around a year ago - I wanted to be a dietician.
My exam result face
Last year I took-
Standard grades (GCSE); English, Math, Religion + philosophy, Health and food technology, Geography, German, Biology and Chemistry.
When I go back in august, I'm taking English, Math, Religion+ philosophy, health and food technology (all at higher levels) and fashion and textiles.
Today, i'm reading up on all these careers in fashion. There's soo many careers in fashion! Argh! Im just trying to sort things out, so I'm on the right path. But there's not much choice at my school... just basic subjects.
aaaahhh i'm so excited! My mum said she'd let me get one (don't live with her or see her) so that's good if I decided to see her but I want to go with my dad.. 'cause I get a free holiday if I go see my dad too so it's like a big bonus :D
There's so much writing here. I'm sorry. My bad.
But yeah, I'm planning on going to Ireland to see my dad next week, or Liverpool to stay with my other grandad for a week or so - and hopefully see the beautiful Jade from
+ Here are some random tumblr, weheartit and my own random pictures.

I painted this.

AHH i didn't mean to upload them all small! darn it, click on them if you want them bigger :)
I'm feeling this is gonna be a pretty boring post. I had another one planned, but I wanted to do this. So I am.
I get my exam results on Thursday. I'm extremely scared, I think I might have to flee the country with my bad results! :( But I realised.. I took 0 subjects to do with fashion. Not that there was anything but art but still. I also didn't want a career in fashion until around a year ago - I wanted to be a dietician.

Last year I took-
Standard grades (GCSE); English, Math, Religion + philosophy, Health and food technology, Geography, German, Biology and Chemistry.
When I go back in august, I'm taking English, Math, Religion+ philosophy, health and food technology (all at higher levels) and fashion and textiles.
Today, i'm reading up on all these careers in fashion. There's soo many careers in fashion! Argh! Im just trying to sort things out, so I'm on the right path. But there's not much choice at my school... just basic subjects.
aaaahhh i'm so excited! My mum said she'd let me get one (don't live with her or see her) so that's good if I decided to see her but I want to go with my dad.. 'cause I get a free holiday if I go see my dad too so it's like a big bonus :D
There's so much writing here. I'm sorry. My bad.
But yeah, I'm planning on going to Ireland to see my dad next week, or Liverpool to stay with my other grandad for a week or so - and hopefully see the beautiful Jade from
+ Here are some random tumblr, weheartit and my own random pictures.

AHH i didn't mean to upload them all small! darn it, click on them if you want them bigger :)
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