I'm feeling this is gonna be a pretty boring post. I had another one planned, but I wanted to do this. So I am.
I get my exam results on Thursday. I'm extremely scared, I think I might have to flee the country with my bad results! :( But I realised.. I took 0 subjects to do with fashion. Not that there was anything but art but still. I also didn't want a career in fashion until around a year ago - I wanted to be a dietician.

Last year I took-
Standard grades (GCSE); English, Math, Religion + philosophy, Health and food technology, Geography, German, Biology and Chemistry.
When I go back in august, I'm taking English, Math, Religion+ philosophy, health and food technology (all at higher levels) and fashion and textiles.
Today, i'm reading up on all these careers in fashion. There's soo many careers in fashion! Argh! Im just trying to sort things out, so I'm on the right path. But there's not much choice at my school... just basic subjects.
aaaahhh i'm so excited! My mum said she'd let me get one (don't live with her or see her) so that's good if I decided to see her but I want to go with my dad.. 'cause I get a free holiday if I go see my dad too so it's like a big bonus :D
There's so much writing here. I'm sorry. My bad.
But yeah, I'm planning on going to Ireland to see my dad next week, or Liverpool to stay with my other grandad for a week or so - and hopefully see the beautiful Jade from http://jadefungblog.blogspot.com/
+ Here are some random tumblr, weheartit and my own random pictures.

AHH i didn't mean to upload them all small! darn it, click on them if you want them bigger :)
Hi lovely, one don't worry about the subjects I'm 21 this year aand stiiill have no fashion background! when I was 15 and doing work experience I emailed one of the buyers at selfridges to ask their advice and she did a history degree and is now in obv in a ridiculously good job in fashion! So theres always time. Two I juust got my first tattoo today so defo reccommend it :) And three hope your okay about the bf situation, i have been there very recently and however shit you feel now honestly it does get better. sending hugs your way julie!
Good luck with your results, I'm sure you'll do fine!
I want a career in fashion but I'm doing a degree in French and German. I don't think having a fashion degree necessarily makes you any better qualified, it's more the internships and experience you get and how hard you work that will get you there. Or so I hope :)
You are too nice for mentioning me!! A huge GOOD LUCK for your exam results but don't get too stressed about it! Happy days about the tattoo but you're not gonna get to see me in Liverpool if you don't love Jesus, sorry.
good luck!!! i don't get my results till the 19th.... scary :s
agghhhh dont remind me, i get mine the 19th and im shitting myelf!!!!! good luck!
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Is this possible?
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