I went out to my friend's 18th on Friday, didn't really get any proper outfit pictures, but this is what I wore;

A light pink/almost nude Topshop boobtube dress (which is incredibly see through, so I wore this Ladder knit top from New Look. Primark lace tights and although you can't see, my shoes are purple/grey/black and from Debenhams.

- In case anyone want's to copy this thing, i'll put it in small type so it's easier to copy -
Part 01 - The celebrity you’d do unthinkable, illegal things to.
Part 02 - A photo of you in a drunken state.
Part 03 - A photo of someone you love.
Part 04 - The best concert/gig you have been to.
Part 05 - A photo of yourself, not taken by you.
Part 06 - A band/artist not many people know of, but you think should.
Part 07 - A photo of someone you fancy at the moment.
Part 08 - Quote one of the nicest messages you have ever recieved on ask.
Part 09 - A song that has lyrics you’d consider getting tattooed.
Part 10 - A photo from the last social event you went to.
Part 11 - Links to all the websites and online profiles you have.
Part 12 - Someone/something you dont like.
Part 13 - What you want more than anything right now.
Part 14 - A letter to someone. Anyone.
Part 15 - Something you regret.
Part 16 - A list of songs that make you emotional.
Part 17 - Favourite youtube channel that you’re subscribed to.
Part 18 - The first big purchase you’d make if you won the lottery.
Part 19 - A picture of your handwriting.
Part 20 - Favourite smell.
Part 21 - Another celebrity you’d like in your bed.
Part 22 - Song lyrics you can really relate to at the moment.
Part 23 - The next plan you have coming up that you’re really excited for.
Part 24 - The last photo taken of you and someone else.
Part 25 - List the people you have slept with by their initials.
Part 26 - A celebrity you don’t like, and why.
Part 27 - The song(s) you want played at your funeral.
Part 28 - A photo of anything.
Part 29 - A live performance youtube video.
Part 30 - What your last dream you can remember, was about
Part 01 - The celebrity you’d do unthinkable, illegal things to.

Part 02 - A photo of you in a drunken state.

Part 03 - A photo of someone you love.
Part 04 - The best concert/gig you have been to.
A bunch of shitty little bands, a whole bunch of friends.. was definitely the best. Can't remember any band names though.
Part 05 - A photo of yourself, not taken by you.

Part 06 - A band/artist not many people know of, but you think should.
Not many of my friends know them... but Crossfade.
Part 07 - A photo of someone you fancy at the moment.
My dearrr beloved exboyfriend Josh, but I don't think i'll put his picture here :P
Part 08 - Quote one of the nicest messages you have ever recieved on ask.
Err don't know what that is.
Part 09 - A song that has lyrics you’d consider getting tattooed.
Losing My Religion - REM
Part 10 - A photo from the last social event you went to.
Erm I didn't have a camera. But here's me and my friend walking to the 18th...

Part 11 - Links to all the websites and online profiles you have.

It's all I had! Bored in 3rd year RMPS :)
Part 20 - Favourite smell.
- My perfume. Alien - Thierry Mugle or however you spell it!
Part 21 - Another celebrity you’d like in your bed.

Part 22 - Song lyrics you can really relate to at the moment.
Colours - Crossfade
Part 23 - The next plan you have coming up that you’re really excited for.
Oh wow this is laame! But this business management thing where you start your own business sort of thing and get your own stall in a shopping centre. If I get picked... :D
Part 24 - The last photo taken of you and someone else.
Already used them.. from Friday.
Part 25 - List the people you have slept with by their initials.
Part 26 - A celebrity you don’t like, and why.
Russel Brand... just euugh!
Part 27 - The song(s) you want played at your funeral.
It's tricky - Run DMC
Part 28 - A photo of anything.

Part 29 - A live performance youtube video.
Can't get on right now.
Part 30 - What your last dream you can remember, was about
LOL! This girl I met at a library made me go home with her, and then loads of people came for a big orgy and I escaped through the window, but she followed me. Then I woke up.
haha, that "photo of anything" is crazy! your top looks great on you, btw! :)
<3, Mimi
LOVE your top and your tights!
great post!
i love your hair..you´re so pretty :)
part 21 - YES PLEASE!!
Love your answer to question 1, mmm Jude Law - I completely agree!
Ahah i'm loving your answers and pictures!
And Crossfade is awesome :)
i'm loving that top.
and nice choice in picking Jude Law. :D
nice post.
visit my blog and let me know what you think, follow if you like :)
whoa that top is wild~!
my bunny says thanks!
Luke lives near me. I see him wandering about all the time,lol! I'll steal him for you ;-)
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