Why do girls think it's a good look to have foundation lips? For one, it makes you look sort of dead (unless they also go completely overboard with the blusher to make themselves look like some sort of clown), and it also makes lips look cracked and just completely disgusting. Don't get me wrong, I quite like nude lips sometimes, but not like
that. If you're going to do that at least put some sort of colour over it. Not pretty.

My english teacher actually kept me behind yesterday, to ask me if I was okay and stuff... she said I always look so sad and like i'm about to burst out crying, and that made me cry ahha. She then said it upsets her to see me like this, and if I ever need someone to talk to, she's here. It's funny how a teacher can notice things, but your own family and friends wont. **emotional bit over!
It was 20% (or maybe 25%) off sale at Debenhams today, and my gran picked me up after school with my aunt and we went shopping... However my cousins were there - one ran out the shop with a bag i hadn't bought yet to see his brother and the security alarms went off. Good one Rue - and somehow I spent £305 in Topshop... it's funny though, i've only got a few things to show for it. Most of its been kept until christmas though :(

In town today, even in this freezing rain, females ranging from 12-30 had their camel toes out. If you're going to wear jeggins, it'd be best to opt for a long top/a dress. No one wants to see that.
P.S. Nathan from Misfits is a beaut.