This first outfit was worn today, to pick my cousin up from his dance workshop + go get food from the co-op. I wear this all the time, because I love the oversized grey sweatshirt, and the grey + white striped long top underneath. I wear it with a black skirt (like shown) or black skinnys, with grey ankle boots. All samey colours but its soo comfy.
Second outfit? Just something I saw in my wardrobe + decided to take a picture of. I got it last year, and i've probably only worn it once... I don't really like the shoes either, but they matched the ribbon + are super comfy.

One is a picture of me aaages ago in Australia, and the other is how i'm gonna look when I'm old. Lovely, right?
About Me:
Name; Julie R
Nickname; Joofie/Julz
Age; 16
DOB; 18/03/94
Location; East Scotland, UK
Height; 5ft
Eye colour; hazel/green
Hair colour; Brown (dyed red).
Peircings; lobex3, cartilage, nose + navel
Fav. Colour; Purple
Sorry, the layout of it isn't behaving and after spending 15 minutes trying to fix it... I give up!
Really love the grey sweatshirt!!
And omg so many piercings, that's amazing! I'm such a wimp, I don't even have my ears pierced!
ohmygod those pink shoes!! they are so freaking gorgeous!
i really like your necklace.
amazing shoes *-*
omgggg how did you get that photo of how you're going to look when you're old?!
love both your outfits - especially the first :)
Love your second outfit!
Pink shoes... HOT!
Love the first outfit!
Thanks for the comment :)
You like my eyebrows? Thank you sooo much, i'm really self conscious about them.!! I feel they're a bit too tick but I'm scared to pluck them any thinner...
Oh yes. Hazel green eyes. (Y)
How can you not like those shoes! They are so cute :)
And is the ribbon attached or not??
Those shoes are fantastic!
Merci beaucoup for stopping by darling, I hope to see more of you on my blog =]
Your blog looks great considering its so new!
Stay safe and chic ma chérie,
English Rose x
amazing shoes ♥
Love seeing the contents of your bag! I did the same a while ago, love all the little snacks in your bag and the prety scarf!
Can I have your knitted chicken???
I just started a blog too! I love what you have done so far and I am now a follower! You should follow me too!!:)
ohh, so many piercings! i got my tongue pierced two years ago (well i've had it done three times, seeing as it closed in like half an hour a few months later so i had to get it redone, but they redone it in the wrong place so they had to do it again. ouch, haha), but i am debating about getting my nose, tragus and nipple done :P
i love your blog by the way! xxx
oh goodness love the pink shoes!! sooo cute!! thank you for such the sweet comment too!!
I think the pink shoes are adorable.
xx Love & Aloha
Yeah I love pockets too. I never know where to put my hands otherwise. Haha
tagged you in an award :)
These pink Shoes are gorgeous! :)
i love the pink shoes!!!
pass to my blog :)
xoxo francesca
I can see stitch in that photo, oh how I love that movie !
<3 always Lily
Thanks for your idea on my new haircut! I might try that, I used to have lots of layers about a year ago but I let them grow out.
You get so many comments! I'm jealous :D
lovely shoes!!
I love the mix of photos, and you look very attractive still when you're old >:P
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