I've been a rubbish blogger.
BUT i'm gonna organise a giveaway at the weekend!
I've got 3 second prelims this week (they're like mocks) and i only found out about one of them today. I've been studying a lot for my final exams that start next week, and need to get a credit pass in them all if i want to take them next year, so its pretty important.
So, my blogging has gone downhill, my bad!
Next week I go on study leave, which will give me time to blog properly.
I'm going to try update tomorrow as i've got a biology prelim to study for tonight, but on thursday i've got math AND chemistry. two of my weakest subjects, dammnit!
Sorry, i'll stop babbling!
it's fine!
I still love you :3
god you and your friends look gorgeous! :3
Beautiful Pic!
good luck on school work~!
Thanks for the sweet comment lovely.
Hope all your exams go well!
Its sweet that only your boyfriend knows about your blog!!
Www.clashingtime.blogspot.com <3
prelims are a good excuse. Ooo a give away!
i LOVE your hair!
&& its alright, everyone goes through that time where their being a "bad blogger"
Aw your blog is so cute. And your just busy.. Cut yourself some slack. ;)
fab pic!:D
Good luck on your studies!:D
...and everything girly under the sun!
Hi there! Thanks for stopping by my blog. Good luck on your exam. Lovely dresses in your pic. Following you now :)
Good luck at exams!
Wow,you have a lot of followers!
I totally understand!! I have two weeks left of school and have not been able to post much either!! Your pic is adorable by the way!!
i love what you're wearing here! Hope the exams went well!
Christine xx
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