Thursday, 30 December 2010
New Years Resolution: Become a better blogger.
But I decided, if I'm going to bother with a New Years Resolution it should be to become a better, and more constant blogger.
First post (extremely hungover post) on 1st January.
I'm quite looking forward to it.
I hope you all have amazing new year x
Monday, 13 December 2010
My very first peter pan collar
Monday, 6 December 2010
No french kiss no ooh lala
Back to mirror pictures. Self timer picture have gone back to being proper blurry. It's no use. Will have to buy more batteries for the normal camera.
I love love love my new wellies. They fit in well with the current weather! Haha, the only size 6 Office had was those, and they had no size 5's at all! But I quite like them... although a friend said she thought they were Ben 10 wellies at first... nope!
Anyway, I found out I failed a NAB today, so i'm going to go drown my sorrows in Minstrels and my Judaism notes...
Sunday, 5 December 2010
Ophelia Lovibond

Monday, 29 November 2010
It's official; all christmas presents bought and wrapped.
Sunday, 28 November 2010
SNOW and thunder and lightning!
I've never seen that before in my life.
I'll do an outfit post later, i just wanted to share my amazement with you lot.
p.s. it's really cold outside, 5+ pairs of socks would be best, and soemthing to protect your face as the hail is being a little bitch right now!
Wednesday, 24 November 2010
I know it's not 2000, but it's something!
I may just have to organise a giveaway or something...
i'm feeling so proud right now.
My very own Graze box
So, in my GRAZE box I recieved
1. Great fire dragon
roasted maize, jumbo chilli maize & satay broad beans.
I don't really know what to expect with this punnet... but here goes, i'll try everything in it!
Smells really nice, and i'm not sure what everything is so i'll just have to give my overall opinion of the box. Oh wow, I didn't expect it to taste this good but it really does! Some are quite hard though, but worth it!
2. Apple strudel
dried apple, organic apricots & cranberries
To me, it just smelt like raisins; not complaining! Coming from a person who doesn't like cranberries normally, they were actually really good! I could just sit and eat them for ages. I love love love dried apple, and the dried apple from graze was just perfect.
3. Love mix
gorjis, cherries & organic apricots.
It smells gorgeous, tastes amazing. My favourite out of that punnet is definitely the gorjis.
4. The beach
dried banana, pineapple & mango.
Smells quite powerful at first... but it's quite a nice smell. banana's were nice; they werent properly hard like i expected they were sort of.. soft and chewy? As soon as i put a bit of the pineapple in my mouth I was just like 'wow!' it tastes sooo good. I'm not really a fan of mango, and this was really hard to bite a bit off and chew and the flavour wasn't for me. I'll pass on the dried mango!
My favourite punnet has to be the Great fire dragon, although the gorji's from the love mix were my favourite.
Graze packaging is actually just so cute; it comes in a carboard box (which can just slide through the door with the rest of your post, so you don't have to wait in to sign for it!) and is recyled! As is the 'punnets' it comes in, and the napkin!
I really wanted to do some outfit posts, but i had an allergic reaction to anesthetic yesterday morning, so i've been vomitting and the pills im on just make me sleepy so i've not really had the energy. I was gutted I couldn't go to school today as 1) it was non-uniform day and I had already planned what to wear
2) It's the last day of school for a week
3) I've got a nab as soon as I go back, but I left my revision stuff in my locker.
Saturday, 20 November 2010
They be actin' like they drunk....
Good day!
Last night, it was the turning on of the christmas lights in my city (Dundee, Scotland) so I was there to do first aid, but I wasn't actually put in the centre, where pretty much everyone was, so there were no casualties... So it was really boring for me, although I made some new friends from the first aid, so that was alright. However a 1 year old fell 3ft out their pram and got rushed to hospital :(
IT RAINED SO MUCH! My first aid kit bag is still soaking, ah didn't enjoy the rain.
Today was alright; I went shopping for fabrics for my top i'm making, and got the families christmas presents... successful day. Came back with £5.21!
Thursday, 18 November 2010
Foundation on ya lips, you look really tacky with foundation on ya lips!

My english teacher actually kept me behind yesterday, to ask me if I was okay and stuff... she said I always look so sad and like i'm about to burst out crying, and that made me cry ahha. She then said it upsets her to see me like this, and if I ever need someone to talk to, she's here. It's funny how a teacher can notice things, but your own family and friends wont. **emotional bit over!
It was 20% (or maybe 25%) off sale at Debenhams today, and my gran picked me up after school with my aunt and we went shopping... However my cousins were there - one ran out the shop with a bag i hadn't bought yet to see his brother and the security alarms went off. Good one Rue - and somehow I spent £305 in Topshop... it's funny though, i've only got a few things to show for it. Most of its been kept until christmas though :(

In town today, even in this freezing rain, females ranging from 12-30 had their camel toes out. If you're going to wear jeggins, it'd be best to opt for a long top/a dress. No one wants to see that.
P.S. Nathan from Misfits is a beaut.
Sunday, 7 November 2010
Steady as she goes...
Apparently a lot of people have been returning it because the buttons fall off easy, but i'm hoping it's not gonna happen to me as I quite like it. Had to get a size 14 though because in sizes 8+10, i couldn't zip it shut over my boobs, and in 12 I could hardly move. No use!
I got a couple of jumpers for school too since it's all cold now, in a nice burgandy and purple!
I was planning on doing a nail post today but my grans camera just died and it needs batteries, so obviously I can't... There will be a nail post on Tuesday though!
Saturday, 30 October 2010
It's tricky to rock a rhyme, rock a rhyme that's right on time...
Obviously the leg isn't meant to be rolled up but I really wanted to show you my nice work boots. Beauts huh? ;p
Wednesday, 27 October 2010
Only girl in the world....
Saturday, 23 October 2010
However, on Tuesday my gran gets back from her trip to Australia, so i'll have a camera to take pictures with. Yay! I've got lots of ideas for posts and what not :)
Anyway, basically i've been trying to sort myself out, especially with school. Oh the joys.
My weekdays will be spent in the mental institution, and my week nights will be spent in my room: either revising, doing homework or being a bum on facebook/blogging. Maybe i'll even fit in time for a friend or two! I'm always mega tired when I come home from school... I used to nap but recently I stopped because I could never sleep when I wanted to at night and was always up until 3am.
My weekends will be spent shopping, sleeping and partying.
It sounds like a plan indeed.
Three girls step on a magic rug that makes you dissapear if you tell a lie..
Brunette: I think I'm the prettiest girl in school.
Red-head: I think I'm the most popular girl in school.
*poof* ...
Blonde: I think-.
Haha, i found that hilarious! I'm sorry if I offend.
P.S. Exciting news in the next post!
(Well for me it is! ah!)
Wednesday, 22 September 2010
Endometriosis + New ideas
We talk of change, but what do we do about it?
I don't want to be at school; doing subjects I don't like and i'm failing at. I need a change, for my own health. I'm not happy. I talk of change, but it never happens - but the one time I do try change I get knocked back. I'm still so angry at my gran saying I can't go to college.
I've got some new ideas for my blog too, mainly doing some beauty posts, blogger of the week, increasing my outfit posts - I don't want to say too much at the moment.
Tomorrow: three outfits.
tomorrow i'll do a post, with three outfits: 1 school, 1 casual, and the other is a more going out outfit. tomorrowtomorrowtomorrow!
Right, so for now i'm gonna watch Dude, wheres my car? and then change my layout or whatever it is if I can manage it.
Monday, 13 September 2010
I don't need a fortune teller...
I GOT A ONESIE AT THE WEEKEND! wow I love my onesie. So warm. It's awesome. Bit of a hassle when one needs to pee but it's worth it.
Onesie: Primark Skirt: Primark Top: New look. Shirt: New Look Necklace: H&M Scarf: Primark Bracelet: Topshop
Again, sorry for the really shitty pictures. Even for mirror picture's they're pretty shit. And this outfit hasn't photographed well at all..
I wore it shopping and my skirt blew up in the middle of town... ah wasn't impressed. Front and back.
Monday, 6 September 2010
One pro i'm sure of? NO UNIFORM! Which means more outfit posts for you guys too of course :P But anyway! What should I wear to my first day of college?!
I was thinking of wearing something like this:

[ This is not me! This is Marina from
Hmm so many decisions!
Anyway, I really need a nap now.. then to decide if i'm gonna accept the offer or not!
Thursday, 2 September 2010
You can't forget our future plans
STUPID CAMERA. Still not up for doing self timer stuff, idiat! I'm getting my friends old camera as soon as I get the money though:)
My hair looks faar better in person aha, it's been like that all day and why does it look like I got me a double chin?! CUH!
and a few pictures I took of one of my little cousins...
Anyway i've still got a tone of homework to get through, apparently i'm going to the Highland Show/Games/Whatever on Saturday? ehh right, I was planning on going shopping but okay...